Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to Make Money Online With Developing Software

Are you a programmer who is worried about how you can make money online from home? You may not have realized it but developing software offers good opportunity to make money online from home.

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1. To make money online from home you can develop different types of software, based on your skill set and aptitude. You can develop software like apps which can work on the desktop PCs, tablet PC as well as mobile phones. Individuals can also develop games for gaming consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox. Web based apps like forums and classified directories are also popular.

2. There are various marketplaces and app stores, where you can sell your software. is one such marketplace, where you can sell you apps. In order to list you app in the Google Marketplace, you need to create a Marketplace vendor account and pay a onetime sum of $100 as listing fee. Once you have an account you can publish one or more Marketplace listings, which will be visible to the public.

3. In order to develop an installable Google Marketplace listing, you need to develop and amalgamate the created application with Google Apps, making use of the Google Apps extension points or APIs such as Gmail related gadgets. While doing it ensure to incorporate the required combination with Single Sign-On.

4. Then you have to develop an Application Manifest, which will define the important configure information for your app.

5. Now you can fashion a listing of your apps in the Apps Marketplace. Select the option, which permits your application to be installed. You have the option to sell it or offer for free.

6. Then the app can be installed and tested in your personal domain of Google Apps.

7. Finally you can put forward the application for approval and when approved, your listing will appear in the Marketplace. This is a great way to make online money at home by developing software.

8. You can work as a freelance software developer and make money online from home. Bid for software development projects in freelance sites.


Developing software from home allows you to work on different kinds of projects, improving your skill set. You have the freedom to work and you also make money online from home by developing software.


There is stiff competition with numerous developers and programmers listing their apps in the Google Marketplace. Freelancing sites also have a large number of software developers, looking for projects and you may need to work hard as well as have patience before you can make money online at home.

If you want to make money online at home by developing software and make it more profitable, then focus on creating software that are in demand in the market. By doing this, you will find more buyers for the software you have developed which will help you make more money.

How Creating Your Own E-Book Can Boost Your Online Revenue   Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   

Product Launching - Packaging Products Together

Whenever you create a new information product - whether it's a book, e-book, audio program or even a full membership site - don't stop at just that product. Instead, spin your product into different forms, and sell them as a complete package. This has a number of benefits - not only for you, but also for your customer.

People consume products in different formats.

Some people like reading, others listen to audio programs at the gym, others watch a lot of video, and others only learn when they are actively participating in the learning. By producing your product in different formats, you help your customer consume it in the way that most suits them, rather than whatever happened to be most convenient for you.

People consume products at different levels.

Some people don't have time to read an entire book, but would happily read a short e-book summary of the main material, and then dip into the book for the most relevant material. If you provide both versions, you help that customer get full value from the book. If you hadn't provided the summary version, some customers would have bought the book with the best of intentions, but might never have got around to reading it.

People consume some products with other people.

Some products are designed to be consumed in isolation, but others lend themselves to group learning. For example, if you write a book about sales techniques, you could include a collection of PowerPoint slide shows for sales managers to use in their weekly meetings. This not only greatly enhances the value of the book, it also means you can charge a much higher price because it could now be positioned as a twelve-month resource for sales managers.

Even a book, which is typically consumed by one person at a time, could be seen as a group learning resource. For example, if you added a postcard with key questions for discussion, you could make it easier for book clubs to choose your book for their meetings!

People consume products in different stages.

In this busy, time-poor world, it's becoming harder and harder for people to consume your product - in whatever format you produce it - at a single session. You can help them get more from it by also delivering it in stages. For example, you could invite readers of a book to sign up for an automatic e-mail course that sends them a weekly reminder about one concept in the book. Or you could conduct regular webinars about the book, connecting your readers with you and each other.

Don't ignore the benefits of product bundles!

A common objection to bundling products together in this way is the concern about duplicating your material. For instance, is it acceptable to provide an audio version of your book if it's the same content as the print version?

In general, the answer is Yes! Your customers will appreciate you taking the time to create the material in different ways, especially if you explain how they can use the different products to get full value from the package.

How Creating Your Own E-Book Can Boost Your Online Revenue   Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   

Creating a Product and Selling It - The Process of Product Creation

Fact: You need your own product to be really successful. Fact: You have everything you need right to create your own product. Fact: You don't need to buy anymore ebooks on how to create your product.

Lets start with how much money can you actually make from your own product. And let's also discuss what you can charge. And what you can and cannot get away with.

For starters. I would never pay $200 bucks for a one page report on "How Make Money Online." The subject is too broad.

A report is usually given away for free as bait or a teaser. Some reports have been sold for hundreds of dollars.

The average eBook sells online for about $27 bucks. Usually the eBook is packed with info 10-30 pages long. If its longer even better. Most ebooks are filled with affiliate links so people can sell you more of their stuff.

The average video is sold for $27 plus. Skies the limit on videos because you can make them as long as you want and people love watching and learning from videos.

Courses generally sell for a lot more than an average eBook or report.

If I started again today and wanted to create my report. Here is what I would do. And here is what I would charge.

I would brainstorm and create a free report to go a along with an eBook that I had created and give it to people who gave me their email address. Then I would research online and turn that report into an ebook. The easiest way for me is to dictate into an audio recorder and then later transcribe all the audio files onto one ebook. I would keep it very conversational and only edit grammatical errors but not the way I spoke.

This eBook once finished could also be given away for free as a pdf. Or sold as is for $19.95 you can upsell this eBook for $37 bucks by allowing resale rights and master resale rights and or rebranding rights.

If you don't know what any of that is go Google it or search for it in the ezine article world.

Now create a video of your ebook. How you do that is convert your titles for each chapter into power point. Then find a free software that can capture your screen and turn it into a video file. When you push play on power point you simply read your eBook out loud and add some humour to it as well. And maybe make it a bit more detailed than if someone where to just read your ebook. Remember audio files are more valuable than an ebook. And videos are more valuable than an ebook. When your video is completed now you can add it you YouTube and or your website. Now you are starting to be an expert in your field. Many people will not create a video to save their life.

Now you can offer your product for $47-$97 complete with an ebook, audio files, videos, and resale rights to the eBook and videos and audio files and maybe even rebranding rights so people can resell your products as though it was their own.

The next step would be to offer a free workshop on topics covered in your ebook. But it has to be way more detailed. Make sure you videotape the workshop as well. This can be offered as a product later down the road. Now you are an expert. You have your own ebook, video series and workshop all on video. Then I would also transcribe your entire workshop and make offer eBook you can offer your customers.

To go even bigger I would have a 2 or 3 day workshop and make sure and bring all your products to sell. At the end of the workshop have people give testimonies on how powerful the workshop was. Also I would get one of your friends to interview you while you are at the workshop and you can be asked questions about your workshop and about your ebook. You can later offer this as a bonus. Make sure and videotape everything you do from here on in and have every video you shoot transcribed. More products to sell. More product equals more money.

Workshops can be sold for as little as $97 to Thousands of dollars per day per customer.

Lets say you had a 2 day workshop and you charged each person $97 to attend.

If you had 100 people attend the workshop that's $9,700 for two days work plus think of all the products you would sell.

Say you had 3 ebooks for sale at 50% off just for attending the course and everyone bought...

$27 x 3 ebooks $81 at 50% off is $40.50 x 100 people equals $4,050

So in one weekend you've made $13,750

Do this once a month for 10 months. That would equal $137,500 a year. So many extra products do you think you could come up with in a year?

What if you became a guest speaker for someone else at their workshop and were allowed to sell your products there as well?

I know it sound hard to believe but you could be making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. And we haven't even touched the power of the internet.

Imagine doing webinars, all recorded, phone conferences, Skype, you name it.

The sky literally is the limit.

Now go Brainstorm Your Way to Success!


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Hiring iPhone Application Developers to Benefit Your Company

The potential and reach of iPhone is no more a mystery. There are thousands of iPhone apps which are downloaded by users to make their little device more magnificent. The availability of so many apps has not put an end to the excitement for new apps to come out at the apps store.

While considering its reach, the businesses are coming up with unique ideas to develop new iPhone applications so as to fulfill their users' desire. When you plan to make investment on iPhone apps, you would of course try to find out the benefits your business will have it after application is launched at the apps store.

With unique, engaging and robust iPhone application, your business will have the following benefits:

1. Target Market Broadened: With the ever increasing number of iPhone users, it will not be wrong to say that you will be able to spread information about your company and your range of products and services to a wider target market.

2. Easy Order Placement: Most of the users are accessing websites through their iPhone. With business apps, it will become easy for the users to place order from their mobile in few clicks.

3. Better Collaboration between employees: The mobile apps will also help your in-house employees to have an access to important information. With reliable apps, you will easily be able to transfer information while you are on go.

4. Website Updates: By synchronizing application with the website, the subscribers will always get the information about the latest company news inclusive of sale offers, new additions, gift certificates and so on.

5. Additional Revenue Generation Options: Of course, a mobile app can also help you to earn additional income. You may benefit by showing ads within application.

All this can be possible when you are taking assistance of iPhone developers. The reason is quite obvious. They have been working in this field for years and have gained the art of developing a solution that can easily target the maximum market. Moreover, their expertise will help your business apps to outshine in such a competitive business environment.

If you are willing to work with iPhone app developers, you need to contact an iPhone development company having a team of iPhone developers who can bring out their best side to benefit your company in a larger way.

So, start thinking of this new investment option and earn benefits for your business to perform better in this iPhone-enabled world.

How Creating Your Own E-Book Can Boost Your Online Revenue   Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Are People Still Buying Online Products?

Online income solutions With so many people struggling to make ends meet these days, online income solutions look like a great opportunity for anyone looking to make some extra income or even replace a current job. The problem is that there are so many opportunities available online that beginners can easily get confused and distracted with information overload. The key is to research several different business models and then choose the one that seems the best for you and your circumstances.

Here are some ideas for starting an Internet business. Affiliate marketing. This is probably the easiest way to get started with an online business because you don't have to worry about creating your own information products or storing inventory in your house etc. You basically send traffic to a merchant website and you receive a commission whenever a sale is made. You can choose from a variety of products including both physical products that people purchase at retail stores and information products like eBooks and audio programs.

Creating your own information products. Whether you're talking about creating eBooks, audio and video courses, or a physical printed book, creating your own information products is a lot more work than just sticking with affiliate marketing. Nevertheless, there are a number of advantages. When you have your own products and your own authority website to go with it, this tends to build a lot of momentum in your favor. You can also get affiliates to promote your products so you can make lots of extra sales with less work.

Ecommerce websites. You don't have to be the next or in order to get into the ecommerce business. There are many opportunities if you choose a specific niche and learn how to drive traffic to your website, either through search engine optimization or some form of paid advertising like pay per click.

Whatever business model you decide to use you have to learn to focus on one specific business model and then choose a niche within that model. Get to know your target audience and what kinds of products and services are offered in the industry. Start creating excellent content for your website like articles or videos that will get you found by the search engines and please your potential customers as well.

There are many resources available, do your research, investigate thoroughly, and above all do not hesitate to use the support staff that is available. The majority have been there and done that!

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How To Repeat Or Update A Digital Product

When you're creating your report membership site or video course, you need to realize that course is not going to last forever. What I mean is that for example, if you show how to use a certain piece of software, like Camtasia Studio or use a particular website such as Facebook or Google, that information is going to become out of date after a year or two.

What you are going to want to do is approximately every one year, look at your top selling information products and update them or recreate them. Look at what people are asking, what the demand is, and what kind of products your competitors are teaching about. And when your products get out of date or you get bored, you can easily go back and improve that course.

There is nothing at all wrong with taking one of your reports or membership sites and adding a Version 2.0 at the end, and scheduling a day or a week where you simply go through and create brand new videos making the content up to date.

For example, I might have a course teaching how to use webinars, and in the course of a year I might think of a few ways to simplify the process or I might find a new technique on how to use webinars. So what I might do is create a brand new version of the course. I might keep the curriculum the same, I might add or remove a couple of modules, but I will re-record those sessions that I had previously created.

Something I recommend that you do is increase the price and sell this new course for a higher price than the previous course and offer some kind of an upgrade fee for people from - for example, Version 1.0 to now upgrade to Version 2.0. If you use a membership site, you can keep this very easily organized using levels.

What you should also do is look at what people are buying since you released your course. Maybe it's time to promote the old course or promote the course and use that promotion, use that new money coming in as an excuse to create the new updated version of your course.

Finally, there's nothing at all wrong with retiring a course, or taking it off the market if it's not selling. For example, you might have a course about Facebook and Social Media, but you'll realize that for some reason or another your interest does not lie in teaching Facebook or Social Media so instead of updating this course after a couple of years, you will take it off the market and simplify your life and simplify your business.

How Creating Your Own E-Book Can Boost Your Online Revenue   Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   

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