If you've ever thought about sending a personalised greeting card but haven't got around to it, maybe you should - it's surprisingly simple. In fact, it's as easy as logging on to your favourite social networking site, typing a message to a contact and pressing send... only better, because the person you're sending it to will receive something much nicer than just another comment on their home page.
But will they care? I'm sure that's the question you're probably asking. Well, I like to think that they would, there's still something exciting about receiving a surprise through the post, something that can be opened, touched and kept, rather than another page you've just logged in to. And there's nothing worse than the pang of disappointment on arriving home to find no cards on the doormat, even worse the empty windowsill devoid of all the cards from friends who think you're wonderful.
But is it personal enough? I'm sure that's the second question on your list. Well, with all the options to personalise your card, from the words you write to the photos you upload... it can actually be much more personal than something you might buy over the counter. We are so used to sharing photos, images and words that it actually seems to be the perfect way to let someone know you care, without the worry of picking out an overly sentimental, gushing or dated offering. Just imagine your parents' faces when they see that old photo of themselves on their wedding anniversary, or your how many laughs it will raise when you add a photo of you and your mates up to no good on a night out... the reasons you can send a personalised card are endless and definitely not limited to simple birthdays or Christmas.
OK, so what about the cost? I agree, social networking is free and texting is minimal... but really?! Let's be honest, a text to a loved one is not really cutting the mustard, is it. The average cost of a personalised card is around £3, which is less than the average in-store price, less the travel money... the effort to get there... to pick the card... to get the stamp... to go the post office... need I continue? You get what I'm saying. It's easy. And worth the relatively small price for the big smile it will bring.
So now you're sold on the idea, which site do you go to? The choice is confusing, with a huge array of sites toting pigs and pigeons vying for your attention. However simple and easy with all the quality that you would expect... and more importantly, the quality that your loved one would expect to receive. You heard it here first.
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